About Me

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I am close enough to New Orleans to smell the urine on the sidewalk, the land of gumbo, hurricanes, The SAINTS and now oil covered shrimp platters
W/M, less than 50 but older than 20, tall enough to ride any ride and small enough to hide from an angry woman, nice enough to open a door for a lady and asshole enough to trip a bad waiter(35 minutes to get a refill on my water, really, "TASTE THE CARPET BITCH"), friend of anyone who is not trying to blow me up or hold me down, and generally an all around nice guy.

Favorite Things Right Now

  • Cookies, am I right, huh, HUH!?!?!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Layman’s Guide to Obamacare Decision by Josie Wales
Judge Henry Hudson’s recent decision in Virginia v. Sebelius rejected the notion that Obamacare’s individual mandate is constitutionally justified as either a regulation of interstate commerce or a tax for the general welfare.
First we will examine the individual mandate as a regulation of interstate commerce, but some basic background of Commerce Clause jurisprudence is in order. In Perez v. United States (1971), the Supreme Court outlined three kinds of commerce for which Congress could regulate: (1) channels, (2) instrumentalities, and (3) activities which substantially affect interstate commerce. If you have not seen these terms within the confines of the Constitution it is because they do not appear. However, this understanding of the commerce clause has been drilled into the minds of attorneys for the last 40 years. Frankly, Commerce Clause jurisprudence needs a re-examination, regardless of the health care issue.
A century of questionable precedents guides the courts. One of the most egregious examples of government overreach occurred in Wickard v. Filburn (1942). A farmer that grew more than his government mandated allotment of wheat, for personal use, was deemed to have substantially affected interstate commerce. Interestingly, a similar case came up in 2005 involving (pay attention liberals) cultivation of marijuana for personal use in California, and in compliance with state law. In Gonzalez v. Raich (2005), Justice Clarence Thomas dissented from an opinion confirming the federal government’s regulatory power over personal cultivation and use (yes, you read that correctly). He rather presciently penned this statement:
If Congress can regulate this under the Commerce Clause, then it can regulate virtually anything – and the Federal Government is no longer one of limited and enumerated powers.
While the Supreme Court has slightly edged away from the expansive view of the Commerce Clause, limiting interstate commerce regulation to “economic activity” in cases like United States v. Lopez (1995) and United States v. Morrison (2005) , the balance still falls heavily in favor of the federal government when regulating interstate commerce, which brings us to the present case.
The government’s case hinges on the third prong of interstate commerce, substantial affect.
No person can guarantee that he will never incur a sudden, unanticipated need for expensive care; and very few persons, absent insurance can guarantee that they will not shift the cost of that care to the rest of society.
The problem with this statement should seem obvious on its face; one cannot prove a negative. Also of note, the government relies on both Wickard and Gonzales, which tells us where Justice Thomas will stand on the issue (in case anyone was wondering). Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli brings the issue back home by pointing out that this is about the individual mandate, and not whether Congress has some role in health insurance policy.
Importantly, it is not the effect on individuals that is presently at issue – it is the authority of Congress to compel anyone to purchase health insurance.
The government counters with the Necessary and Proper Clause, otherwise known as the Elastic Clause. Essentially, because the individual mandate is necessary for the overall regulatory scheme imposed by Congress it should be deemed constitutional. This is a rather complicated issue made all the more complex by the numerous inferences utilized over the last century of Commerce Clause jurisprudence (Randy Barnett presents a nice summary at The Volokh Conspiracy). Needless to say, the government’s view would allow imposition of extra-constitutional provisions to otherwise constitutional regulatory schemes.
At any rate, Judge Hudson boils the issue down to the distinction between activity and inactivity. In Wickard and Gonzales, individual economic activity resulted in controversy. Under Obamacare, individual economic inactivity results in controversy. Government regulation of inactivity would be unprecedented. Drawing this distinction, Judge Hudson drives a stake into the heart of Obamacare.
Now we can deal with the individual mandate as a tax. This argument does not hold much water since the government denied the individual mandate was a tax from the beginning. The argument that it was a tax only emerged after the government realized there were serious constitutional issues. Judge Hudson rather amusingly points out that Congress grounded Obamacare in interstate commerce regulation, within the very act!
The individual…[mandate] is commercial and economic in nature, and substantially affects interstate commerce….
Additionally, a delineation is made between a tax and a penalty. Obamacare specifically used the term “tax” for other provisions, but did not for the individual mandate. The courts deem this deliberate, so the government cannot claim the individual mandate is a tax after the fact. Furthermore, the individual mandate does not generate revenue (because everyone follows the law, ideally), but rather exacts a penalty for failure to abide by the regulatory scheme.
The government wraps itself in constitutional language and legalese when presenting its case for Obamacare, but none of this fools the discerning eyes of a competent judge. Consider yourself armed with the fundamental arguments to deflate progressive minds because Judge Hudson’s reasoning will be rehashed by the competent justices on the Supreme Court

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Iran Placing Medium-Range Missiles in Venezuela; Can Reach the U.S. :: Hudson New York

Iran Placing Medium-Range Missiles in Venezuela; Can Reach the U.S. :: Hudson New York And we're off! This is the beginning of the end. A dangerous game is being played in Tehran. I only wished we had a President that would take Iran seriously.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Whew, I am halfway through the Holidays and I am exhausted. Not from get togethers or parties, but from hiding from my family. You see, I hate the Holidays and I hate my family as well. So the combination of the two is doubly deadly for me. I am not depressed or have the "Holiday Blues", I am just tired of my family. Come on January 2nd, I can hardly wait.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Operation Dark Heart

This website is about the book of the same name. It is an excellent account of what is going on in Iraq and Afghanistan, concerning the war on terror. I highly recommend it. Operation Dark Heart

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ancient Egypt's pyramids: Norwegian researcher unlocks construction secrets

Ancient Egypt's pyramids: Norwegian researcher unlocks construction secrets

I'm back!

Well, what can I say? Real life can be a real humdinger when it wants to be. Sometimes it just doesn't pay to be honest to a woman. Note to self, when a girlfriend asks you if her sister looks good in an outfit, just say o.k.! The word sexy or hot should never be applied to a member of her family! PERIOD! So after about 10 pairs of pants, about a dozen shirts, and a cat coming up missing,and after hiding for about three weeks, I am able to get back to my blog. Women, I mean they are nice and all, but sometimes I think that they are not worth the trouble! 8^(

Monday, August 9, 2010

The Sun is waking up!

Aurora alert: The Sun is waking up (w/ Video)

Sky viewers might get to enjoy some spectacular Northern Lights, or aurorae, tomorrow. After a long slumber, the Sun is waking up. Early Sunday morning, the Sun's surface erupted and blasted tons of plasma (ionized atoms) into interplanetary space. That plasma is headed our way, and when it arrives, it could create a spectacular light show.

Rachel Maddow, Rhodes Scholar and Bullpucky Expert

Rachel Maddow, Rhodes Scholar and Bullpucky Expert

Time to admit Obamanomics has failed | Washington Examiner

Time to admit Obamanomics has failed | Washington Examiner

Thursday, July 15, 2010

NAACP President Tries to Weasel His Way Out of Controversial Attack on Tea Party Patriots

NAACP President Tries to Weasel His Way Out of Controversial Attack on Tea Party Patriotsby Jim Hoft NAACP President Ben Jealous just tried to weasel his way out of the unpopular, controversial, and obviously political resolution passed at the organization’s convention this week. The former civil rights group attacked and smeared the tea party patriots at their convention in Kansas City. The Politico reported, via Free Republic: NAACP President Ben Jealous said Thursday that the resolution passed by the group on Wednesday does not call the tea party “racist.” The resolution the NAACP approved Wednesday at its annual conference in Kansas City alleges that the tea party has used racial epithets against President Barack Obama and has verbally and physically abused African-American members of Congress. A portion of the resolution does indeed characterize the behavior as “racist,” but Jealous said Thursday during an interview on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that the resolution was not intended to condemn the entire movement as such. “We aren’t saying that the tea party is racist,” Jealous said. “What we’re saying is that with their increasing power comes an increasing responsibility to act responsibly…and to call out when they see those things on those signs.” Jealous argued that racist groups have embraced the tea party movement and said that what the NAACP would like to see one of the movements leaders – whether it be former House Majority Leader Dick Armey or former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin – denounce those elements of the tea party. “These sort of KKK type groups saying they like the tea party and want to be a part of it, it would just seem someone would call out and say we don’t want them to be a part of it,” he said. Asked if he thought members of the tea party are racially insensitive, Jealous responded: “No, not at all.” Unfortunately for Jealous, that is not what was reported on their awful resolution. The KC Star reported: The resolution, scheduled for a vote as early as Tuesday by delegates attending the annual NAACP convention in Kansas City, calls upon “all people of good will to repudiate the racism of the Tea Parties, and to stand in opposition to its drive to push our country back to the pre-civil rights era.” Jealous better start getting his facts straight. You can’t have it both ways, Ben. For the record… The former civil rights group does not even have the courage to post their resolution online. How weak. The NAACP leftists really ought to clean up their own racist mess before they start pointing fingers. My take: I thought that the NAACP was a lot more savvy than this. I mean what a stupid thing to do. With their diminishing membership, dwindling support from their white big-money supporters, WHY ANTAGONIZE WHITE MIDDLE AMERICA! Calling the Tea Party racists was a STUPID move. Hence the back peddling today.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Climategate: reinstating Phil Jones is good news – the CRU brand remains toxic

Climategate: reinstating Phil Jones is good news – the CRU brand remains toxic This is actually good news for the people who are fighting the man-made global warming hoax. As long as the East Anglia crowd continue to associate with the people who lied, it will be that much easier to dispel their lies!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

BBC News - Hayabusa capsule particles may be from asteroid

Didn't any of those scientists read the "Andromeda Strain? Seriously, what if there is something that can survive in the cold darkness of space, maybe on an asteroid, just waiting to enter a planet's atmosphere to spring to life? Everyone is so worked up about UFOs and aliens. Ewoks, greys and Yoda! That is what people expect to see. Ya know, alien life could just as easily be a microbe or virus buried inside of an asteroid or meteorite. Laying dormant in the ice fields of Antarctica or about to crash unnoticed into the Pacific Ocean. Who are these "scientists" who get to roll the dice on our existence? BBC News - Hayabusa capsule particles may be from asteroid: "."

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Eunice Today - That ain t no sac a lait fisherman catches two sharks in Basin

This is a real story folks. I had always heard stories growing up of sharks in the Atchafalaya Basin, now I know that they were right. Eunice Today - That ain t no sac a lait fisherman catches two sharks in Basin

The giant mound builders of Erie

Sure, the photo is an obvious fake, but the article is a pretty good one about giants. Also, the second poster makes a good point about rascism. The giant mound builders of Erie

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Throat cancer blow for Christopher Hitchens | People in the News | People | The First Post

This guy is in my opinion, the best op-ed writer in the business today. Whether you love him or hate him, his style and wording show a real sense of depth and understanding. He has the ability to see thru the mis-direction and spin in Washington to get to the heart of a story. He is fearless, loquacious and not a political hack. His only ideology is truth, not politics, and that is what sets him apart from the rest. You are going to be missed Sir. Get well soon! Throat cancer blow for Christopher Hitchens People in the News People The First Post

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


You know, everyone asks me what my opinion of President Obama is. I give them the same answer, "I'll tell you later!" I say this to avoid an argument because most people think that they are right. Regardless of the facts, people believe what they want to believe. So when I explain that they are factually incorrect, I am met with resentment. I have found that people take comfort in their beliefs regardless of whether they are right or wrong, and usually the more wrong they are the stronger their belief. I can see it, unfortunately, most can not. I said all of that to say this: My life experiences led me to vote for John McCain in the previous election. Not because I like him or thought he was a stronger candidate, but because Barack Obama was a weaker one. Now he was the emotional choice for many, I mean, his was a great story. Bi-racial, immigrant father, single mother. He taught law, was a community organizer, a state senator, and for a year and a half, a U.S. senator and finally President of the United States. Unfortunately his lack of experience in politics is glaringly evident. His Congressional record is comprised of mainly voting "present", not yea or nay. That shows an unwillingness to take a side, or more bluntly an inability to be seen as choosing one side over another. That shows a lack of character. However, it is his lack of experience on the international stage that is the real deal killer for me. His policies on IRAN, NORTH KOREA, and ISRAEL show a dangerous naivety. I am finally putting this into words because with the fallout from the BP spill, the chorus of disapproval coming from the left, and the mainstream media actually blaming Obama, we can finally look at him clearly. Without the rose-colored glasses. And I can say with a straight face, "I TOLD YOU SO!" This article is a watershed moment in his administration. You can almost feel public opinion start to turn on him.

Friday, May 28, 2010

RSS Feeds - Coast to Coast AM

This wesite is one of my fav's. Whether it is politics, current events or the paranormal, Coast to Coast A.M. never fails to keep you interested. The radio show comes on live from 1 am to 5 am, eastern time. Check it out! RSS Feeds - Coast to Coast AM

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

This my friends is Al Gore. A pompous, egocentric, selfish, cowardly, obtuse, and dull douchebag. He travels around the world preaching to people how global warming is going to kill everybody unless they spend money buying his "Carbon Credits." He proclaims that he is trying to save mankind from a long, slow, meandering death as the oceans rise 50 feet in a decade and the snows become extinct. Just like every other huckster on late night t.v., he says that your life will be better if you buy his product. HE IS RON POPIEL IN DISGUISE! Look folks, If he really believed that the sea levels were gonna rise at all, would he have bought a 13 million dollar house that is on the coast of California? He is a douchebag. If he really cared about saving people's lives why isn't he trying to help refugees in war-torn eastern Africa, talking about overpopulation in third world countries, or the over-fishing of our oceans. Over-fishing is the single greatest threat to the survival of our species and because Gore is getting all the attention focused on a made up issue, no one notices Japanese fishing boats off the coast of Scotland. Please wake up and use your GOOGLE, find out about the controversy, get informed. Don't worry about trying to save the planet, it will be just fine. Spend your effort saving your family. Peace Out


Welcome to my new home on the web. I just set it up so I will be adding to it later, maybe some quotes and pics and stuff. Definitely some opinions about current events. Oh yeah, and a whole lotta RUSH! When I think it's ready I will unveil it for all the world to see. (Ha, that 'll get a laugh) Thanks for stopping by. W.H.