You know, everyone asks me what my opinion of President Obama is. I give them the same answer, "I'll tell you later!" I say this to avoid an argument because most people think that they are right. Regardless of the facts, people believe what they want to believe. So when I explain that they are factually incorrect, I am met with resentment. I have found that people take comfort in their beliefs regardless of whether they are right or wrong, and usually the more wrong they are the stronger their belief. I can see it, unfortunately, most can not.
I said all of that to say this: My life experiences led me to vote for John McCain in the previous election. Not because I like him or thought he was a stronger candidate, but because Barack Obama was a weaker one. Now he was the emotional choice for many, I mean, his was a great story. Bi-racial, immigrant father, single mother. He taught law, was a community organizer, a state senator, and for a year and a half, a U.S. senator and finally President of the United States. Unfortunately his lack of experience in politics is glaringly evident. His Congressional record is comprised of mainly voting "present", not yea or nay. That shows an unwillingness to take a side, or more bluntly an inability to be seen as choosing one side over another. That shows a lack of character. However, it is his lack of experience on the international stage that is the real deal killer for me. His policies on IRAN, NORTH KOREA, and ISRAEL show a dangerous naivety.
I am finally putting this into words because with the fallout from the BP spill, the chorus of disapproval coming from the left, and the mainstream media actually blaming Obama, we can finally look at him clearly. Without the rose-colored glasses. And I can say with a straight face, "I TOLD YOU SO!"
This article is a watershed moment in his administration. You can almost feel public opinion start to turn on him.